4 Reasons to Appreciate Your Breasts More


Our breasts, one of the first external markers of puberty, generally tend to get overlooked unless it's Breast Cancer Awareness Month or you're breastfeeding. The rest of the time, they're just sort of "there", but there's a lot more to this beautiful body part than literally meets the eye.

a woman's hands covering her breasts.

Our breasts, one of the first external markers of puberty, generally tend to get overlooked unless it's Breast Cancer Awareness Month or you're breastfeeding. The rest of the time, they're just sort of "there", but there's a lot more to this beautiful body part than literally meets the eye.

Here are four facts about breasts that will make you appreciate them more.

1. Breast stimulation can make you orgasm. 

Breasts have nerve endings, and stimulating your nipples will light up the same part of your brain as stimulating your clitoris or vagina, which explains why some women can have an orgasm from breast stimulation alone. If you're keen to experiment with this, you could start by trying a blended orgasm by stimulating your breasts and your clitoris simultaneously. 

2. Your breasts can detect your baby's needs. 

Mammary gland receptors collect hormones in the mother's body to detect the gender of the fetus and change the composition of the milk accordingly. 

Similarly, when a nursing baby is sick, the mother's breasts can detect that through the baby's saliva and will signal to her body to produce milk with illness-specific antibodies.

3. They are believed to be an extension of your heart.

In many spiritual practices, breasts are considered to be an extension of the heart space. Regular breasts massages are used as a way to regulate hormones and the nervous system and to prevent ailments. 

4. Humans are the only primate with "permanent" breasts. 

While other mammals will only grow breasts during pregnancy and when they have young to feed, human females will begin growing them at puberty and keep them throughout their lives.

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