What You Need to Know About STI Testing (in the Middle East)

Stigma surrounding female bodies and sexual activity frequently impedes access to crucial resources and information, particularly about sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Despite these challenges, it's essential for women to have an understanding and control over their sexual health.

Your Dark Vulva and Asymmetrical Labia Are Perfectly Normal

The ideal vulva we see portrayed over and over again is one that is often without any pubic hair or with a very neatly arranged strip of pubes, that has the complexion of a Hollywood star, and with inner labia that tuck perfectly inside the outer labia.

The reality is that no two bodies are alike and very few bodies look like the ideal we’ve been sold.

How Do I Know If I’m a Virgin? 

If you find yourself wondering if you’re a virgin or not, we’re here to tell you that only you can determine that for yourself. You are the one who defines what sex means to you, what your first time entails, and whether or not the term virginity works for you at all.

Cycle Syncing: How to Tune Into Your Menstrual Cycle

If you’re on a journey to better understand your cycle and tap into your body’s unique power, the best place to start is by tuning in — this means using your cycle as an inner map, a way to understand what you’re feeling and why you’re feeling it, and how to care for yourself during each phase.

What Is a Normal Period Supposed to Look Like?

Menstrual cycles are a vital health indicator. The scientific community now recognizes our cycle as a key determinant of our overall health, holding equal significance to other vital signs such as heart rate, body temperature, respiratory function, and blood pressure. This means that it's also time for us women to recognize and honor our cycle as a vital part of our overall well-being.