8 Ways to Mend Your Relationship with Your Body

When we’ve grown up with the pressure to look a certain way, whether that's a certain body size, shape, curve, or color – the list goes on – learning to love our bodies is not an easy task, and it's definitely not as easy at the #bodypositivity movement can sometimes make it seem.

6 Myths We've Been Told About Our Vulvas and Vaginas

At the most basic of levels, the lack of information, conversation, and education around our bodies has negatively impacted our ability to look after our own health, and few body parts are as shrouded in shame and misinformation as the vulva and the vagina.

Get to Know Your Vulva

Being disconnected from our bodies can stop us from fully expressing ourselves sexually, enjoying intimacy with a partner, and even diagnosing life-threatening conditions. This stops now.

It's time we got familiar with our genitals.