The Pros & Cons of the Condom


Safe sex, whether with a long-term partner or a new encounter, necessitates a vital first step—understanding your options for contraceptives. Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of the condom.

Two hands with condom in between

When it comes to the world of contraceptives, there are tons of options that require women to insert, inject, or ingest something or another, compared to a startlingly low number of birth control options targeting men. We have much to say about why that is, but for today we'll focus on taking a closer look at the pros and cons of one of these: the male condom. 

The male condom is a "barrier" method of contraception and is designed to prevent pregnancy by stopping sperm from meeting an egg. Condoms are conventionally made of very thin latex. However, polyurethane and polyisoprene options are now widely available for people with latex allergies. 

Like every other method of contraception, it offers both pros and cons. 

The Pros of the Condom

  • When used correctly every time you have sex, male condoms are 98% effective.
  • Unlike other contraceptive methods, they protect against both unwanted pregnancies and STIs if used correctly, which means they need to be worn before there is any genital contact (even before penetration). In fact, it's the best protection against HIV/AIDs and other forms of STIs. 
  • They are more affordable than many other options. 
  • Condoms are widely available in pharmacies, supermarkets, and petrol stations across the world and don't require a prescription or doctor's visit. 
  • They don't affect future fertility for men or women. 
  • They are free of hormones. 
  • They can be used when breastfeeding.
  • There are literally hundreds of options to choose from, including different sizes, textures, flavors, and sensations that you may have fun with.
  • They can be combined with other methods of birth control to provide more protection. 
  • Unless you are allergic to latex, there are no side effects to condoms. 
  • Unlike other forms of contraception, the effectiveness of condoms is not affected by other medications. 
  • Condoms can be helpful for preventing premature ejaculation in some men. 

The Cons of the Condom

  • While condoms are technically 98% effective, the reality is that they are not used correctly all of the time, which reduces their realistic effectiveness to about 85%.  
  • You have to remember to have a condom with you every time you have sex. 
  • Putting on a condom interrupts sex. However, practice makes perfect and there are still ways to make this sexy and fun.
  • Condoms can take some time to get used to, with men sometimes claiming that wearing a condom makes sex less pleasurable for them. 
  • They can be damaged when mixed with oil-based products like moisturizers or vaseline. Make sure to use water-based lubes, like Sayl
  • Condoms can slip off or tear. 
  • They are not reusable and do expire, so be wary of the sell-by date. 


The best part of using condoms is knowing you’re protecting yourself and your partner from unwanted pregnancy and STIs.

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