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We’ve designed our products to help you explore your body, solo or otherwise. Whether you’re a curious novice or a seasoned explorer, this is for you.
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Mauj Products
We’ve designed our products to help you explore your body, solo or otherwise. Whether you’re a curious novice or a seasoned explorer, this is for you.
Put your hand up if you've ever faked an orgasm because:
a) He didn't know his way around your body.
b) You couldn't be bothered to explain it to him.
c) You felt like it was more important for him to come.
These are just some of the many reasons why we'd sometimes rather pretend, but what if we told you that this was harming your chances of deepening your connection with your partner, as well as doing him and other women a disfavor? Men deserve to know that orgasms don't always come as easily for us as they do for them and to learn how to reciprocate pleasure.
Okay, you can put your hand down now and read through these tips on how to talk to your partner about this.
It takes 237 muscles to fake an orgasm and only 15 to say, "It's called a clitoris and it's right here."
75% of women require clitoral stimulation in order to orgasm. You’re not the exception; you’re the rule.
Orgasms are often glorified as the end goal of sexual intimacy, but that doesn’t have to be the case. In fact, you might find that, once you stop worrying about having an orgasm during sex, the whole experience becomes a whole lot more pleasurable for both you and your partner.
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